Dirk Diederich
Publicly appointed and sworn expert by the Hanover Chamber of Industry and Commerce
Area of expertise: Industrial glass technology (production, analysis and quality assurance)
A warm welcome!
I am pleased that you have dropped by and hope to be able to help you further.
If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact me for an initial non-binding and free consultation.
Dirk Diederich
Glass expertDirk Diederich
News about my work
I would like to take this opportunity to inform you about the latest news concerning my activities as an expert in the field of industrial glass technology (production, analysis and quality assurance).
Field and services
Field of expertise
My field of expertise is “Industrial glass production (production, analysis and quality assurance)”.
Offer review
Implementation advice
Expert opinion
Expert opinion in court
Private expert opinion
Insurance appraisal
Expert opinion
Independent evidentiary proceedings
I am also happy to help in the B2B sector before a legal dispute even arises. In many cases, an amicable solution can already be reached here – saving time and costs for all parties involved.
Field and services
Field of expertise
My field of expertise is “Industrial glass production (production, analysis and quality assurance)”.
Expert opinion
Court reports
Private appraisals
Insurance appraisal
Expert opinion
Self-employed persons
Evidentiary proceedings
I am also pleased to help in the B2B sector before a legal dispute even arises. In many cases, an amicable solution can already be reached here - saving time and costs for all parties involved.

Dirk DiederichCertificate of appointment
About the person
I have been managing partner of the IGR – Institute for Glass and Raw Materials Technology in Göttingen since 2008. By founding the company, I was not only able to take my many years of experience in the glass industry into my own hands in order to make my knowledge and skills available to more than just one company, but also to learn more than ever on a daily basis.
Before that, I worked for 20 years as a laboratory manager and head of glass technology at a renowned hollow glassworks, where I was responsible for the analytical monitoring of glass raw materials, batch production, glass melting, production and glass finishing, among other things. I was also responsible for quality assurance, occupational health and safety, hazardous substances, water protection, training and Lean Six Sigma (LSS).
In 2015, I successfully had the IGR accredited in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 (“General requirements for the QM system and the working methods of testing and calibration laboratories”). An adaptation to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 with reaccreditation took place in summer 2019.
On 28 January 2020, I was finally publicly appointed and sworn in as an expert by the Hanover Chamber of Industry and Commerce (certificate of appointment).
On 27 January 2023, I received my reappointment as an expert for a further 5 years from the Hanover Chamber of Industry and Commerce (certificate of appointment 2023).
If required, the IGR is of course also available to my clients with the collective expertise of all employees and extensive analysis methods.
About "ö.b.u.v. SV"
(Publicly appointed and sworn experts)
The title “publicly appointed and sworn expert” (ö.b.u.v.) is protected by law. Misuse of the title is punishable under §132a StGB. A publicly appointed and sworn expert must be independent, objective and impartial. He is also free from instructions. The publicly appointed and sworn expert is this vis-à-vis courts and any private client.
The prerequisites for appointment as an ö.b.u.v. expert are personal and professional suitability as well as above-average expertise. The Chamber of Industry and Commerce is responsible for checking this.
The appointment is a public appointment within the meaning of § 73 para. 2 Strafprozessordnung (StPO) und § 404 Abs. 2 Code of Civil Procedure ( ZPO ) and thus represents a reliable decision criterion for courts, authorities and private clients when selecting a potential expert.
The activities of a publicly appointed expert are not limited to the district of the appointing Chamber of Crafts.
Please feel free to contact me. I look forward to your enquiry.

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